About Us

Our History

How it all began

Mette by Mette was created in 2020 after many years of carefully planning the idea of creating silk scarf art. The art has been created to have a deeper meaning, for the eyes and the mind.

"To me it makes sense to invest in a piece of art that makes me happy, whether it's part of an outfit or decorating my wall".

The entire process of getting a production going in the most sustainable possible way, within Denmark exclusively, has naturally given reason for much studying and thus insight in the UN's 17 world goals in its entirety and the reasoning behind them. The UN 17 scarf was for that very reason the first that was set into production.

Besides the UN 17 scarf the fundamental creative idea for the silken scarfs were to have images with towns, landscapes, historic moments and individuel designs.

It felt completely natural that the next scarf to be created was the artwork of Fredericia. I'm personally a resident of Fredericia, which is argueably the most lovely city in Denmark with it's unrivaled location and exciting history, which to this day is still physically present. Therefore it's guarenteed that there will be more beautiful Fredericia themed silken scarfs.

Each scarf is accompanied with a card containing images and information about the artwork itself and the artist who created it.

The Process

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